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Introduction of CRM PLUS on LINE for Cross-Border EC ohora Taiwan

Utilizing LINE Official Accounts for Localized CRM in Taiwan

24 May 2023 - Social PLUS Inc., the provider of the Shopify application CRM PLUS on LINE, announced its introduction to the cross-border EC ohora Taiwan ( https://ohoratw.com/ ) at the end of December 2022.

In Taiwan, approximately 95% of the population uses LINE. Recognizing the popularity of LINE among Taiwanese users, ohora Taiwan has implemented CRM PLUS on LINE to leverage LINE for CRM purposes.

With the introduction of CRM PLUS on LINE, member registration and login for ohora Taiwan can now be easily accomplished through LINE Login. Moreover, customers who have linked their member ID to their LINE ID can receive notifications of completed purchases and shipments via their LINE Official Account, reducing concerns associated with cross-border e-commerce product deliveries. Consequently, the number of customers linking their LINE IDs has been steadily increasing at a rate of 1,000 per month as of the end of April 2023.

Introduction of  CRM PLUS on LINE  for Cross-Border EC ohora Taiwan

The Shopify application CRM PLUS on LINE can be found at:https://apps.shopify.com/socialplus

Promoting Member ID and LINE ID Linkage through LINE Login and Delivering Personalized Messages

Image 1: Member registration flow on the ohora Taiwan official website using LINE Login

When visitors register for membership on the website using LINE Login, the process includes member registration, adding LINE Official Account as a friend, and linking the member ID and LINE user ID in a single step.

By establishing a link between the member ID and LINE ID, it becomes possible to identify which member corresponds to each LINE friend. This enables the delivery of information regarding purchased items (e.g., purchase completion notifications, and shipping completion notifications) via LINE. LINE Official Account allows users to check the delivery status easily, thus contributing to alleviating concerns associated with cross-border e-commerce product deliveries.

Image 2: ohora Taiwan LINE Official Account Shipping Completion Notification Image

We have received comments from Vector Taiwan, who provided support for the construction of the ohora Taiwan EC site, the operation of the LINE Official Account, and the introduction of CRM PLUS on LINE.

Commentary on the introduction by Mr. Kinoshita, Vector Taiwan:

“ Localization is crucial in cross-border EC. To effectively communicate the appeal of ohora to Taiwanese users and enhance their purchasing experience, we decided to utilize LINE*1, which is used by approximately 95% of the Taiwanese population. CRM PLUS on LINE specializes in integrating Shopify and LINE, allowing us to rapidly personalize the LINE messages.

The introduction of LINE Login has been highly successful in promoting the linkage between member IDs and LINE IDs, with the number of ID-linked users increasing by 1,000 per month. The attractiveness of "easy login with LINE" is a key factor behind this success, as users find it convenient.

As the number of ID-linked users continues to grow, the impact of LINE messages will increase. This includes providing information about purchased products, recommending related items, and distributing information about products that users are uncertain about purchasing. We will actively utilize LINE to establish strong connections with users in Taiwan. ”


LINE usage in Taiwan: Calculated based on LINE Taiwan Monthly Active Users (MAUs) of 22 million ( as of the end of March 2023, according to LINE Corporation ) and the Taiwanese population of 23.26 million ( data released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December 2022 ).

Company Profile of Social PLUS Inc.

Social PLUS Inc., a subsidiary of FeedForce Group, Inc., specializes in the development and provision of advanced software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. Our flagship products include Social PLUS, facilitates seamless ID integration and social login, and CRM PLUS on LINE, Shopify application integrated with LINE. We are Technology Partner and Sales Partner of the LINE Biz Partner Program, which acknowledges and rewards advertising agencies and service developers who offer and enhance various corporate services provided by LINE Corporation.

Company Name: Social PLUS, Inc.
Location: 5th Floor, Yushima First Building, 19-11
Representative Director : Kazahaya Okada
Business Description: SaaS provider specializing in ID integration and social login
URL: https://www.socialplus.jp/corporate

【株式会社ソーシャルPLUS 会社概要】

株式会社ソーシャルPLUSは、フィードフォースグループ株式会社の子会社です。LINEのID連携やソーシャルログインを手軽に導入できるSaaS「ソーシャルPLUS」とLINE連携Shopifyアプリ「CRM PLUS on LINE」を開発・提供しています。LINE株式会社(現LINEヤフー株式会社)が提供する各種法人向けサービスの販売・開発を行う広告代理店やサービスデベロッパーを認定・表彰するパートナープログラム「LINE Biz Partner Program」のTechnology PartnerおよびSales Partnerとして認定されており、「Technology Partner」コミュニケーション部門では最上位グレードの「Premier」に認定されました。「人とブランドをつなぎ、顧客体験を豊かにする」というミッションのもと、今後も一層の事業成長を図ってまいります。

所在地:東京都港区南青山一丁目2番6号 ラティス青山スクエア3F
代表者:代表取締役 佐藤 亮介(さとう りょうすけ)



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